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supernatural birth.

pain free + fear free birth is possible for you — no medications, no interventions — birthing the way you are created too. I want to start by sharing my heart + understanding of supernatural birth & if you check out my other posts you can read both of my birth stories. I will also share some valuable tips on things I believe were monumental in my testimonies.


where does this idea of supernatural birth come from?

this was the first question I had when I began researching this topic. I had never heard of pain free birth until I met my sister-in-law (who had three pain free births) and began getting more involved in some Christian circles of other mamas. in the beginning, God created man + woman — it was good. they were filled with the breath of life and walked with him in the garden. He gave them dominion, freedom, and intimacy with Him. He gave them all He had created and commissioned them to do the same — to step into the gift of making. as the book of Genesis progresses, the trickery of the enemy caused Adam + Eve to eat the fruit that God has commanded them not to. consequently, God curses the serpent, the man, and the woman. Genesis 3 states that God cursed Eve in her childbearing — that she would bring forth children in pain & sorrow. if you are not familiar with the book of Genesis - I highly recommend taking time to read it. the bible is full of mystery + grace. if that is the case I am sure you have some questions in regards to why God would curse them & why is the tree in the garden in the first place? I will save those questions for another day — but what you need to know is this >>> the curse was meant to be broken by a man who was fully God + fully man. by a man who walked humbly in our midst, carried our burdens + lived through all of our pains. Jesus. Jesus made it so that the curse no longer has power over our lives — Jesus has made us a new creation + redeemed us. He defeated the enemy, He broke the curse. here are a few scriptures to look into.

2 Corinthians 5 | Galatians 3:13 |Isaiah 53:4-5| 1 Timothy 2:15

I don’t carry a theology that says you only need Jesus to get to heaven. sorry. but that’s not what this is about. Jesus did not just die so you could go to heaven. He died to pay for our transgressions, to defeat death, to reconcile our intimacy with the father, to fill us with Holy Spirit so we can walk with Him again like we once did in the garden — to invite us into creating with him again as the Kingdom becomes manifest on earth, today, as it is in Heaven. Jesus is our invitation to a new life. our abundant life starts here as He fulfills all of His promises to us.

with this understanding, you can see that the curse from Genesis 3 — the curse of man, the curse of woman, the curse on the land — these are broken by the blood. when we step into our identities as children of God, full of His spirit + authority, then we as women can step into the power of creation again. we are created to birth. we are meant to bring forth life.

resources for you.

I highly recommend you take the time to research for yourself and let Jesus speak to you — to give you peace + confirm all that He has for you. I am here to tell you that birth IS NOT a medical emergency and the pictures of women on a bed, in a hospital room, screaming their lungs off does not need to be your portion. in fact - that is simply what our culture tells us. YOU WERE CREATED TO BIRTH. YOU GET TO CHOOSE + ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF & YOUR BABY. FEAR IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. PAINLESS BIRTH IS POSSIBLE. there are a few resources + tips that I have found helpful.

  1. Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize. This book was written in the 1970s and Jackie does a great job at sharing her testimonies of God’s faithfulness. This book helped give me a foundation but was not my sole source.

  2. Karen Welton @painfreebirth. Karen released a course about a year ago that I had the privilege of being a part of before it was launched. I HIGHLY recommend this course. Karen shares practical tips, knowledge, testimonies and there’s a FB group she has that I constantly get to read encouraging birth stories.

  3. Mindset is everything. Who told you? Who told you childbirth has to be painful? Who told you morning sickness is your portion? There are so many core beliefs that need to be shaken up. What you are believing will manifest. If you are full of fear — the pain will manifest.

  4. Educate + advocate. this is crucial. Educate yourself on how your body works, how labor progresses, and what your hormones are doing. I took multiple birth classes at my birth center that focused on empowering me in the birth process & also set the precedence that I get to advocate for me + my baby. If I don’t want to birth on my back - I don’t have to.

  5. choose your birth team + location wisely. home birth, birth center, hospital — I am here to tell you to make the decision that best fits you. I LOVED my birth center (if you are local - Dar A Luz Birth Center) and I had both of my babies there. I had no desire for a home birth because I live far out of town and Dar a Luz felt like home for me + the birthing tubs are the best thing ever. I had both my boys in the same room with incredible midwives + nurses. the biggest thing is that you feel safe, taken care of, and have an environment that is not full of stress.

  6. your worst enemy at birth is fear, stress, and anxiety. these things cause your body not to release oxytocin, which is one of the main hormones that help your contractions progress. you need oxytocin. you do not need fear. it has no place.

  7. trust your instinct in labor. you know you + your baby best. how you are feeling + your needs are important. listen to yourself.

I hope this was encouraging to you. now — go read my birth stories and know that you were created for such a time as this. receive your inheritance.

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