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where is your heart?


you know when you are in the line at the grocery store about to pay for all the items you just collected over the last 45 minutes walking back and forth as you’ve forgotten things here and there. you load your items and then walk forward to stand in front of the cashier. they look at you and typically exchange a few words that go something like this:

cashier: “hey, how are you today?”

you: “good, how are you?”

cashier: “good. paper or plastic?”

and this exchange happens everywhere + quite often in many places. we answer quickly + quietly and never press into the depth of this question. but yet, we do this daily almost in a robotic motion.

so my challenge for you today is to pause. to think about this question. how are you really doing today? what makes you good? where is your heart at? & I don’t just mean the location of it. I mean the depths. allow yourself space to process how you actually feel instead of just going through the motions. I also don’t mean to do this with the cashier every time you shop — but what I am saying is maybe it is time to start asking why they are so good? asking what gave them joy today? maybe start asking yourself that? start noticing the little details that fill your day + start being filled with gratitude.

maybe it was the fact that you got all the green lights on the way to the store or snagged the last pack of double stuff oreos on the shelf or maybe you put on your favorite dress today just because. maybe your kids made it through breakfast without tears + tantrums. maybe you took a few extra minutes to take care of yourself. whatever it is — figure out where your heart is at + what your heart needs. your needs are important, friend.

for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

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