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it is nice to meet you.

welcome -- I am so glad you are here.

you will find the ins and outs of my life here. sharing snippets of life and sharing that there is joy to be found right where you are at. I am in the season of mothering young babies (all boys over here) & have found a passion to help mother other mamas that have felt lost in their motherhood journey. my heart is to mother those that desire to be mothered. to help restore what has been lost. my hope is to be a deep well overflowing with wisdom and abundant joy. I will never be the voice that will tell you how you ‘should’ mother but I will be a voice of empowerment. I want you to know that you were made for this. my desire is for you to thrive in your mothering journey with purpose and passion.

you probably already know that I am a mama to three sweet boys + live in the desert + love sharing my heart —- but here are a few things you probably don’t know about me.

  • I learned to paint at 15 and sold my first commission painting when I was 17 for $2,500 to a man in California.

  • I will never say no to dark chocolate.

  • my dad is a chef and my mom was a baker — which is why all I think about is food.

  • I am left-handed but play all my sports right-handed.

  • I can’t roll my R’s and I have never been fluent in another language but I have learned bits and pieces of spanish, french, khmer, and tonga.

  • I met Jesus when I was 18 and my life has never been the same.

  • I traveled to 20+ countries in the span of 4 years working as a missionary.

  • myanmar + morroco are two of my favorite places but cambodia has my heart.

  • I met my husband in Zambia, Africa. He is from New Mexico & I grew up in Florida.

  • I am really extroverted so staying home with my boys without adult interaction is actually really hard for me but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  • If you give me space to share my opinion — I will. and sometimes I can be too honest.

  • I am a recovering people pleaser and I have learned that your opinions of me will never dictate my life.

  • when I was seven my dad let me run an entire restaurant from our house. It was called ‘Cafe Max.’ We made menus and invitations - he was my chef and bought the groceries. We charged everyone (we had over 30 people) for a gourmet dinner and my best friend & I were the servers. entrepreneurship started pretty young for me.

  • we don’t own a TV and only have a record player. I have a nice little collection of vinyls + love the simplicity of it all.

  • I love talking over a cup of tea or nourishing drink. deep conversations are my favorite.

  • I healed my life long rocky relationship with dairy by changing my lifestyle and nutrition. Raw milk is now my best friend and sourdough is probably the best thing ever.

if you stick around, I hope to be your friend + impact your life with joy. if you are on Insta, come say hi.

find me @loganortwerth.

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